Step 8 - Reset a Kleeo Device to Reconfigure it for Use
After finishing Step 7 - Claim a Naso on the Biamp Workplace Mobile App, read the Cautionary Notes and Efficiency Tips in this article before starting the procedure described in the video and text steps here.
Cautionary notes
Be gentle when removing the housing to avoid damaging the device.
Ensure the paper clip is inserted accurately into the reset hole to avoid any malfunction.
Tips for efficiency
Keep a soft mat handy to place the device on while working.
Use a paper clip that is straight and sturdy for easy insertion.
Steps in this procedure
Remove the housing of the Kleeo unit by sliding it backwards
Placing the device down on a soft mat.
Locate a paper clip and insert it into the small hole on the bottom right-hand corner of the device until the screen flashes with a white light.
Once the white light is displayed, you can release the paperclip from the button.
The device will be erased, and ready to be claimed for reconfiguration.
Proceed to: Step 9 - Reclaim Kleeos in Migrated Evoko Workplace