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Biamp Cornerstone

Step 9 - Reclaim Kleeos in Migrated Evoko Workplace

Reclaiming Kleeo’s in the new Workplace after organization migration




After finishing Step 8 - Reset a Kleeo Device to Reconfigure it for Use, read the Cautionary Notes and Efficiency Tips in this article before starting the procedure described in the video and text steps here.




Cautionary notes

  • Ensure the correct Wi-Fi credentials are entered to avoid connection issues.

  • Make sure to select the correct desk location for the device.

  • Ensure the mobile phone is close to the device for claiming.



Tips for efficiency

  • Keep all necessary information (wifi credentials, desk locations) handy before starting the reclaiming process.

  • Double-check all entries before saving to prevent errors.

  • Follow the on-screen prompts carefully for a smooth setup process.



Steps in this procedure

  1. Download the Evoko Workplace Application.

  2. Open the application and select the sign-in option.

  3. Log in with the account created for the Evoko Workplace.

  4. Tap on the profile section (in the top right corner).

  5. Scroll down to device setup and select Kleeo desk manager.

  6. Enter the Wi-Fi credentials of the network for the device.

  7. Press save and continue.

  8. Select the desk location for the Kleeo device.

  9. Move your mobile phone towards the device to claim it.

  10. Wait for the device to connect and show the configuration details.Press OK to complete the setup.



Proceed to: Step 10 - Checking and Configuring Connected Devices

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