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Using the MPX200 with a Microsoft Teams Room PC


  1. MPX200 has a uniform green halo light in the idle mode.  This shows that it is available.Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 7.58.58 PM.png
  2. When connecting one of the USB-C cables to a device the light will shine brighter in that section and the other parts will dim down to shw that the cable is connected and charging. 
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 7.59.33 PM.png
  3. When connecting more of the USB-C cables to other devices the light will continue to shine brighter in those sections.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.00.11 PM.png
  4. When pressing one of the touch buttons on a connected port you will start screen sharing through HDMI-Ingest.  Cameras, microphones and speakers will be connected to the MTR device.  The light in that section will turn blue and the light will turn off for other sections.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.00.46 PM.png
  5. When pressing another touch button on a connected port the screen sharing will switch to the other device.  The light in that section will turn blue and the light will turn off in the other sections.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.01.21 PM.png
  6. If you want to access the camera, speaker and microphone through your computer you can long press any button for 2 seconds to enter the BYOM-mode.  The complete circle will pulse red a couple of times to indicate the mode switch.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.01.47 PM.png
  7. The light will be red instead of blue and you have access to cameras, microphones, and speakers - as well as screen sharing.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.02.17 PM.png
  8. If you want to switch back to HDMI-Ingest you can long-press any button for 2 seconds.  The circle will pulse blue a couple of times to indicate the mode has been switched and the MTR-device will take over control of the cameras, speakers and microphone.  You will still share the screen.  
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.02.42 PM.png
  9. To stop sharing, just press one more time on the active touch button.  The lights will go back to show which ports are connected.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.03.42 PM.png
  10. When all cables are disconnected the device will go back into idle mode.
    • Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.04.15 PM.png


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