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Biamp Cornerstone

Step 5: Activate and Assign Licenses to Desks and Rooms

In order to claim the Evoko Kleeo (Desk Manager) or Evoko Naso (Room Manager) in Step 6; you need to activate a license for each individual Desk or Room within your Organization. This guide will walk you through the process of adding licenses to your environment.  If you do not have any licenses to add you activate the Trial license for 30 days.


How to Activate an Evoko Workplace Issued License

  1. To redeem a license in the Evoko Workplace navigate to the Settings Icon in the left hand column.  You should see Licenses.
    • EW-42.png
  2. Locate the Add License button in the top right hand corner.
    • EW-43.png
  3. Add the license key you were provided.  Select the activation date for the key.  When ready, press Add License.
    • EW-44.png
  4. You should get a successful message indicating the license was added.  In the screenshot below you can see that the key unlocked 1 Desk for 12 Months.  Press Ok.
    • EW-45.png
  5. ​​​​​​​Repeat the steps above if you have more than 1 License.  As you add more licenses you will notice the list of activated licenses will grow.
    • EW-46.png
  6. In the example above I have activated [1] Desk and [1] Room License for [12] Months.  I now need to assign this license to the Desk/Room of my Choosing.
  7. Navigate to Desks as shown below.  (If you are applying to Rooms, skip to the next step).
    • EW-47.png
  8. Navigate to the Desk you want to apply the license to.  Press the Pencil Icon next to the desk you want to apply the license to.  In this exercise we will apply it to Desk 001.
    • EW-48.png
  9. Navigate to Booking License
    • ​​​​​​​EW-49.png
  10. ​​​​​​​Using the drop-down, select the license you want to apply to your Desk.  When applied, Press Assign.
    • ​​​​​​​EW-50.png
  11. ​​​​​​​You will now notice the license is applied to Desk 001.
    • EW-51.png


Nice work!  You can now proceed to Step 6: Install and Connect Evoko Kleeo and Naso.


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