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Step 2A-3. Application Registration and API Permissions

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Procedure overview

The steps in this procedure walk a Microsoft Entra Administrator through registering the Evoko Home Application in Microsoft Entra.  During these steps, record the following information, which is required to complete the Evoko Home wizard with the Microsoft 365 configuration:

  1. Application ID (Client)
  2. Directory ID (Tenant)
  3. Object ID (From Enterprise Apps)
  4. Client Secret Value



Registration and API permissions procedure

Use the video and text procedure instructions here as best suits you.



1. Navigate to the Microsoft Entra Admin Portal here:


2. Sign in with your Entra admin email address and password and press Next.


  •  After signing in, the screen should land on the Microsoft Entra admin center.



3. Open the Applications section in the pane and click App Registrations.



4. Click on + New Registration.



5. Enter the name of the application you are registering. 

  • In this example, the application name is “Evoko Home Setup.”
  • When complete, click Register.



6. After the application registration is complete, a summary page will appear. 


7. Record the following two values found on the Summary page. These are required for later when connecting Evoko Home to Microsoft 365.

  • Application ID (Client)

  • Directory ID (Tenant)



8. Select the Enterprise applications tab on the window's left pane.



9. Search for the Application Name you registered.

  • In this example, we are using "Evoko Home Setup”. 


10. Record the Object ID value. This value will be required in a power shell command later on!



11. Navigate back to App Registrations and find your recently created registered App.

  • This sets you up to configure a Client Secret.    



12. Click on the Certificates & secrets option in the Manage pane.



13. Click on + New client secret.



14. Enter a Description and select the expiration period. Once done, click Add.



15. Record the Client Secret Value that was created.  (You will need this for the Evoko Home Wizard).



16. Navigate back to API Permissions Check the Grant Admin Consent option for the application.

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 4.13.42 PM.png


17. Click on Yes in the confirmation pop-up window.




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