Product Description
Modena Hub/Hub+ is a wireless presentation hub. Ideal for BYOD and BYOC spaces, Modena allows participants to connect to meeting room AV equipment and USB accessories wirelessly and enables any participant to wirelessly receive its AV streams during a video conferencing session.
Modena Hub supports most UC software and hardware devices, while enabling the user to wirelessly share content with other meeting participants. Modena Hub also connects to AV peripherals via USB and HDMI, and can support
multiple USB devices via a standard USB hub or by connecting a Devio SCR- 20 or SCR-25.
The Modena Server is designed specifically for deployment on a corporate LAN to support up to 7 virtual rooms, which allows presentation among peers, with or without a display. The Server allows health and status monitoring, updating, rebooting and configuration for Hub and Hub+ deployed on on the corporate network.
What is Modena?
Modena™ is the only Wireless Meetings System that allows all participants a true cable-free content sharing and interaction with the room AV equipment.
With Modena, any laptop, tablet or mobile device can share screen on the room display. Modena also sends the shared content to the personal device, providing a more natural and comfortable meeting experience.
Participants can just walk into the meeting with their laptop, comfortably sit anywhere they like and use their videoconference software and the room AV equipment without having to connect a single cable.
Wireless sharing: efficient and comfortable presentations without HDMI cables, adaptors or dongles. Any participant can use a laptop, tablet or mobile device and share screen on the room display.
Wireless USB: the unique experience of using your soft codec with the room AV equipment without a single cable. Connect the AV devices to the Modena and enable any participant to wirelessly receive its AV streams for a videoconference session. Use any VC soft codec on your laptop and start the meeting without changing workflow.
What are the overall requirements to install/use Modena?
Modena One / One+ is a hardware unit that can be placed inside a huddle room or meeting room, connected to a TV and USB audio/video devices, or anywhere in the company network for device-to-device presentations.
Modena can be used as follows:
With the Modena App, a companion software available for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android devices, that can be downloaded for free from the download page here or the app stores.
From a web browser, navigating directly to the Modena's IP address.
What is the difference between Modena Hub and Modena Hub+?
Both offer the same core features, connection ports and mode of operation.
In addition, Modena Hub+ offers an onboard wireless module, that works as a Wi-Fi access point and allows a direct connection from the devices.
This is especially useful to create a dual network mode for Guest secure collaboration.
How many sessions/room participants can a Modena unit handle?
With a single Modena unit you can have:
Up to 12, 64 or 150 participants in each session (depending on the room quality settings), connected with the Modena app or through a Web Browser.
Up to 4 or 6 participants sharing at the same time (depending on the room quality settings), in each session, all sending their screen to the TV.
How many devices/participants can be connected?
Modena One supports up to 12, 64 or 150 participants (depending on the room quality settings).
What is a Smart Room?
Being mostly based on presentation and video conference, modern teamwork has been usually confined inside traditional, AV-equipped spaces, like meeting rooms and huddle rooms.
With Modena, you are free to make presentations or group videoconferences with no other video equipment than your devices, no matter where you are in the company, in your office, around a desk, in the most natural way. We call this experience Smart Room.
Which laptops, tablets and smartphones can I use?
These are the minimum requirements:
Laptop or desktop PCs running Windows 10 or higher (with Intel Core i5 or faster CPU).
Laptop or desktop MACs running MacOS 10.12 or higher (with Intel Core i5 or faster CPU).
iPad, iPad Pro and iPhone running iOS 11 or higher.
Tablets and smartphones running Android 5 or higher.
How does Modena guarantee security and privacy?
Modena enforces security through a number of features:
A Secure Boot system blocks any access to the unit firmware. Modena One implements a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) secure boot protocol, which secures the boot process by preventing the loading of drivers or OS loaders that are not signed with the Biamp digital signature. This architecture protects the unit against the installation and execution of malware. The secure boot implementation is based on technologies included in the Linux4Tegra OS (Ubuntu 14.4) with Linux_kernel 3.0.0.
When using Modena One+ as an access point, a personal area network is created utilizing WPA2 PSK technology to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of wireless traffic.
The privacy of your team collaboration is protected by a passcode, a 4-digits random number generated every time a new session starts. Every participant must type in the passcode to join the room.
All the video and audio streams between Modena One and the connected clients are encrypted with the AES-128 algorithm. This prevents ill-intentioned people from using a network sniffer tool to sniffs out the data flowing over your computer network between HHO and its clients.