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Conference Room Designer release notes

This article provides details of Conference Room Designer revisions.


Released July 2024


  • Updated distance map color gradient to better reflect Parlé microphones performance.
  • Removed coverage dotted line on microphones view to make microphone coverage easier to understand.
  • Removed coverage dotted line on speakers view to make speaker coverage easier to understand.


Released November 2022

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved an issue where, in certain cases, an extra TC-5 would be added to the equipment list.
  • Resolved an issue where microphones and speakers would be repositioned each time either the mics or speakers menu was selected.


Released October 2022

New Features:

  • Added support for Parle conferencing bars.
  • Added support for Vidi-250 Conferencing Camera.
  • Added a camera view menu to show camera coverage.
  • Updated export functionality to show camera placement diagram and position information.

Released January 2022

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved an issue where designs using TesiraFORTE-X where not recommending correct number of TC-5s.
  • Resolved an issue where a design would recommend both amplified microphones and AMP-450BP when the AMP-450BP would be sufficient.
  • Resolved an issue where the designer would freeze when moving a table from a saved design.
  • Resolved an issue where the designer would freeze after closing a legend dialog.
  • Resolved an issue where the designer would not save if it couldn't find a correct positions solution for microphones and speakers. 


  • Updated number of speakers to indicate units instead of pairs.

Released July 2021

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved an issue where non-bundled systems equipment was recommending an extra TC-5 


Released May 2021

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved an issue where the door would not show up in the correct location if a project was opened at a different screen resolution
  • Resolved an issue where the table would not show up in the correct location if a project was opened at a different screen resolution
  • Resolved an issue where the ceiling would not show up in the correct location if a project was opened at a different screen resolution
  • Resolved an issue where microphones with customized positions would not show up in the correct location if a project was opened at a different screen resolution
  • Resolved an issue where speakers with customized positions would not show up in the correct location if a project was opened at a different screen resolution
  • Resolved an issue where coverage density was setting the wrong number of microphones
  • Resolved an issue where cancelling a change would leave the selected action checked
  • Resolved an issue where blocked ceiling tiles would not show on screen resize


  • Added the BPAK accessory to the equipment recommendations when applicable  


Released April 2021

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved a discrepancy in full room speaker layout
  • Resolved an issue where Mic Density changes were not being saved
  • Resolved an issue where a design would be saved with no data
  • Resolved an issue where missing loaded data would freeze the designer
  • Resolved an issue where the recommended table microphones did not match the calculations
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent duplicating a room 
  • Resolved an issue where room dimensions could be deleted 


Released April 2021

New Features:

  • Added the ability to request a quote directly from the Design Tool
  • Provided the option to add, delete, and move microphones and speakers in a room
  • Introduced a method to simulate how a microphone will sound like at any given point in a room
  • Added the ability to duplicate a room in a design
  • Added the ability to select between the Devio and Tesira product families
  • Added the option to view equipment recommendations from the main design page
  • Included the ability to save and export a project as a template (shift + save)


  • Introduced the capability to move ceiling tiles without reducing the tile cover in the room
  • Added support for the following Biamp products:
    • Tesira FORTE X400, X800, X1600
    • Devio SCX400, SCX800
  • Updated the tutorial to reflect new feature additions
  • Decluttered the room drawing area
  • Modified the mechanism for quickly adding microphones to the default recommendation by reflecting more or less coverage density

Resolved Issues:

  • Resolved an issue with the smoothness of the table rotation
  • Fixed an issue where the exported PDF’s date was showing time and time zone
  • Resolved a rounding issue when using imperial units


Initial release, October 2020



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