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Biamp Cornerstone

Text-to-Speech web interface

This article explains how to navigate the web-based interface for triggering Text-to-Speech announcements on a Vocia TTS-1(e), TTS-1nc(e), or TTS-2.


Navigating the interface

1. Navigate to the IP address of the processor using any standard web browser and you'll have access to the web interface.



2. Log in with the credentials of a VTP User (a how-to article covering creating a VTP User and configuring the Text-to-Speech announcements can be found here).

  • Although many individual VTP User accounts can be created, all users are presented with the same options for available paging Sequences and associated Zone routing.


3. A list of available Sequences is presented once the credentials used are authenticated.



4. After selecting a desired Sequence, its comprising Elements will be shown.

  • Any Element shown in blue can be edited, whether it’s a dropdown list or a dynamic text Element.


5. If the critical event is a ‘security breach’ instead of a ‘fire’, select the blue ‘fire’ hyperlink and using the dropdown.



6. Use the Update button to lock in the desired Element.

  • Now the Sequence has been constructed, the Submit button can be used to begin the message playback.


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