Qt X Release notes
Qt X Firmware and Software
Download links are available below or on biamp.com's Downloads page under Cambridge products.
Release Date: February 2025 - Software update only
Firmware Download (v2.4): Click here
Software Download (v2.5): Click here
New Features:
Qt X Configuration and Settings Report.
NPX Network Audio Mode is now settable in unconfigured devices.
Updates and Resolved Issues:
Software Device Discovery is running 4x faster.
UI improvements
Software shows current Control & Dante IP address
Can update IP without clearing configuration
- Time updates:
System time is automatically synced when Software loads.
Changing time zone is immediately reflected in the time field
Released July 2024
New features:
- Added the ability to set the AVB propagation delay for Qt X controllers.
- The following UI improvements were added:
- Bulk outputs now show zones in Qt X Software.
- Added the ability to set multiple controllers (bulk settings) in device info section within Qt X Software.
- Streamline setup and configuration processes with our new bulk update functionality.
- Added Compression meter in Qt X Software for Microphone and Message playback to assist with compression setup.
- Qt X systems now provide support for up to 250 connected Qt X Controllers in a single system.
- Provided general efficiency improvements resulting in faster system responsiveness and an improved user experience.
Resolved Issues:
- Resolved issues for window sizing on 4K resolution monitors
- Improved AVB stream fault reporting.
- Resolved the issue that prevented link local from connecting when no network connection was available at device boot.
- Improved Firmware update robustness.
Known Issues:
- 802.1X may not function as expected in this release. – If this occurs, please roll back to SW version 2.1
- After Large Dante system reboots or reconfigurations, devices with faults will need to be individually rebooted.
Released February 2024
Firmware Download: Click here
Software Download: Click here
New Features:
- Added impedance/output fault monitoring for Qt X 300(D) and Qt X 600(D) when using passive emitters.
- Added logic triggered NPX message playback which allows a Qt X GPIO to be configured to play back a stored message on an NPX paging station in the system.
- Added support for NPX Button Mode for G1100 and H1100 (v1.3.0) when used with Qt X.
- Added the ability to change a Qt X device type on a system layout after initial device type selection. Previously after a device was chosen, it could not be changed and had to be deleted and replaced.
- Added scheduled page functionality for NPX paging stations in a Qt X system for playback of stored messages. Allows playback selections for: day of week, start and stop time, and recurrence of stored message playback.
- Added support for NPX paging stations (1.3.0) to page to all available zones when in “some destinations busy” state.
Resolved Qt X Software Issues:
- Added error message if login has failed to a protected system.
- Resolved an issue that allowed a single device to be assigned to multiple floors on a Qt X configuration.
Resolved Qt X Firmware
- Improved Qt X discovery response after reboot
- Improved paging response time between initial Push to Talk trigger and “talk now” indication.
- Improvements of NPX handling when its Qt X proxy device is manually assigned.
- Changed factory reset behavior for Qt X devices to only affect a single Qt X device vs. all Qt X system devices.
- Resolved an issue that occasionally prevented NPX paging stations from paging if certain Qt X controllers were lost from a system.
Released August 2023
New Features
- Added support for NPX paging stations to integrate with Biamp Qt X systems (NPX must be running FW version 1.2.0 or later.)
- Added support for output tuning presets.
- Added support for downloading a newer “live” system configuration when opening a matching .qdd file.
Updates and Changes:
- Added performance improvements for Qt X device discovery.
Resolved Qt X Software Issues:
- Resolved an issue that could cause the last modified value for a system to be saved incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue that could cause Qt X to become unresponsive when logged into a protected system for an extended period of time.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent Soft Start and Schedules dialog from loading correctly.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent devices from being removed from a floor plan correctly.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent downloading configurations from multi-floor systems.
- Resolved an issue that could cause Qt X Software to crash if all Qt X devices are offline.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent downloading logs from an unconfigured device.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent admin operations on systems with multiple accounts.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent system Outputs panels from loading correctly.
- Resolved an issue that could cause the IP address of a device to present incorrectly after changing media type.
- Resolved an issue that could cause Qt X Software to crash when connection to a device is lost.
Resolved Qt X Firmware/Web Issues:
- Resolved an issue that could prevent User-level accounts from downloading logs.
- Resolved an issue that could cause Talk Now outputs to behave incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent devices from appearing in Device Discovery after network changes.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent background audio from resuming after system devices reboot.
- Resolved an issue that could cause emitters to make a “click” or “drip” sound.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent a static IP address from being set correctly.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent Factory Reset from completing correctly.
- Resolved an issue that could cause system reconfiguration to fail for some devices.
- Resolved an issue that could cause the device front panel to become unresponsive.
Released May 2023
New Features:
- Update system size limits to include 90 Qt X controllers with 720 zones in a single Qt X system
- Created alignment between floorplan, Configuration and Properties sections for Zone and Devices in configuration section
- Allow background audio to be selected/enabled without a new configuration
- Added line level output option type for Qt X 805 devices
- Save and load configuration templates – allows users load saved design templates for faster system creation
- Save and use output tuning data – allows users to save customized output tunings for reuse on other systems
- Zone and Output system windows can now be open simultaneously for concurrent adjustments
- Numerous usability improvements in configuration design and system settings sections
- Added a new fault indicator for when expected network media is not available
- Device Web UI improvements
- Renamed discovered devices table heading: Status to Floor, Device Model to Model, System Description to System, Firmware Version to Firmware
- Default setting for Output Data - Bulk Edit checkbox has been changed to checked
- Disabled the “Save Changes” button when auto update is not enabled until changes are made
Updates and Changes:
- Changed “Devices will reboot during firmware update” to display when starting a firmware update
- Soft start control only exists in system control section
Resolved Software Issues:
- Resolved issue when selecting a Qt X configuration file may open over working file without first prompting a save
- Resolved issue that allowed a physical device to be assigned to multiple floors
Resolved Firmware Issues:
- Resolved issue that may cause occasional/infrequent audio artifacts on network media streams
- Resolved issue where reboot timing between controllers may cause output information data to be unavailable
- Resolved issue where Dante controllers operating in AVB mode may become unresponsive over an extended period of time
- Resolved issue where Qt X controller devices may not correctly sync date/time at system configuration
- Resolved issues where loss of system protection or inability to correctly reconfigure system can occur after reboot.
- Resolved issue where device configuration can be lost associated with reboot after soft start has completed.
- Resolved audio input and output issues which may occur when some system controllers are rebooted.
- Resolved issue where device hostname may not show completely on front panel or correctly in windows
- Resolved issues where API may return incorrect IP address values
Resolved Device Website Issues:
- Resolved issue where Zone Data is incorrectly grayed out after change
- Resolved issue that prevented users from editing zone names that were created with the “Create Zones Per Output” option.
- Resolved issue on output list section that prevented users from bulk batch editing speaker/emitter types
Qt X Firmware
Released January 2023
Resolved Firmware Issues
- Talk-Now indication on paging function updated to respect existing zone mutes
- Fixed an issue which could cause audio artifacts when switching between background and page sources
Web UI
Added visual input monitoring for network audio
- Added the ability to identify audio input sources as Background Music, Paging or both
Released October 2022
Resolved Firmware Issues:
- Resolved issue on firmware upgrade where some user configuration data may be lost.
Released September 2022
New Features:
- Initial release of the full Qt X system. This release of Qt X supports systems of up to 55 devices with 440 zones. Existing Qt X Lite devices can be upgraded to take advantage of this full featured release.
- External AVB/Dante audio support
- Desktop software support
- Bulk device actions
- Save and send configurations from a file
- Multi-floor design
- Significant performance enhancements
- Paging using Analog, AVB, or Dante audio.
- Dual-Cable 802.1x support for control and AVB ports
Features for Future Releases:
- NPX integration support
- Systems with more than 55 devices
- Impedance monitoring
- 802.1x support for Dual-Cable Dante media port
- Dante Domain Manager discovery support across subnets
Released February 2022
- Addressed scheduling issue in previous released firmware
- Resolved a sound masking issue where it turns off unexpectedly
- Resolved an issue where a device is prevented from fully booting
- Resolved an issue where a user may be unable to log into a protected system
First public release, December 2021
Qt X Set Up Software
Released January 2023
New Features
- Added the ability to specify a gateway IP address for the media interface
- Changing between AVB and Dante mode no longer require reboot
- Hostname changes no longer require reboot
- Added automatic backup of system configurations prior to starting firmware updates
- Added automatic persistence of panel locations between sessions
- Added the ability to load configurations saved from web (JSON files) in Qt X Software
- Added the ability to identify audio input sources as Background Music, Paging or both
- Increased audio level slider precision
- Improved device name experience to allow for the immediate naming of a device, if desired
- Added visual input monitoring for network audio sources
Resolved Software Issues
- Fixed an issue which could cause auto-login to fail when creating a protected system
- Fixed an issue with object placement in floorplan layout near designer bounds
- Fixed issues with automatic layout of systems created via the Web UI
- Fixed an issue where removing a zone from the web application makes Software fail validation
Released September 2022
New Features:
- Initial release of the full Qt X system. This release of Qt X supports systems of up to 55 devices with 440 zones. Existing Qt X Lite devices can be upgraded to take advantage of this full featured release.
- External AVB/Dante audio support
- New system set up features
- Bulk device actions
- Save and send configurations from a file
- Multi-floor design
- Significant performance enhancements
- Paging using Analog, AVB, or Dante audio.
- Dual-Cable 802.1x support for control and AVB ports
Features for Future Releases:
- NPX integration support
- Systems with more than 55 devices
- Impedance monitoring
- 802.1x support for Dual-Cable Dante media port
- Dante Domain Manager discovery support across subnets