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Biamp Cornerstone

Step 1: Create an Evoko Workplace Account

In order to create an Organization within the Evoko Workplace you need to first register and verify your Evoko Workplace Account.

You can register for your Evoko Workplace account using Single Sign on for Microsoft and Google.  In this guide below we will be choosing the Microsoft method to create our account, the process for Google, and email only is very similar. 


Register for Evoko Workplace Account

  1. Navigate to the Evoko Workplace Registration page here:
  2. Select the Sign or Register option shown below.
    • EW-1.png
  3. Select the Register option.  
    • EW-2.png
  4. Choose how you would like to register for your Evoko Workplace Account.  We will be using the Microsoft Single Sign on Option for this example. 
    • EW-3.png
  5. Log in with the Microsoft Credentials of the user you want to create in the Evoko Workplace.  If you are already logged into the browser you will be asked to pick an account,  Proceed with desired Microsoft User.
    • EW-4.png
  6. You will be prompted to enter your user information for your Evoko Workplace Account.  Double check to make sure the information you are adding is accurate.  When complete, Accept the TOS, Privacy Policy, and press Register.
    • EW-5.png
  7. You may be prompted to enable 2-Factor Setup, for now we will Skip this step.
    • EW-6.png
  8. A code will be sent to your email to verify your email address.
    • EW-8.png  
  9. Copy the code from the email you received into the field shown on the screen.  Press Next
    • EW-9.png
  10.  You should get a message indicating your email address has been successfully verified.  Press Next.
    • EW-10.png
  11. Nice work!  You have created an Evoko Workplace Account!  
    • EW-11.png


You can now proceed to Step 2: Adding an Evoko Workplace Organization

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