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Biamp Cornerstone

Step 2: Create an Evoko Workplace Organization

In Step 2 you created and verified your Evoko Workplace Account.   In Step 2 we will log in with that account we created to begin setting up our Evoko Workplace Organization.   Inside this organization you will have the option to set up both Desks and Rooms.


Create a New Organization

  1. Navigate to and log in with your newly created Evoko Workplace Account.  If you are proceeding from Step 1 you should already be logged in!
  2. Select the +Add Organization option.  
    • EW-12.png 
  3. You will be presented to either Join an existing Organization or Create a New One.  In this exercise we will be creating a new one.  
    • EW-13.png
  4. Enter the Organization Name of your Choosing.  Then check the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Acknowledgement.  Press Get Started when ready.
    • EW-14.png
  5. Nice Work!  You should have landed on the Guides & Support Section of your newly created Organization!
    • EW-15.png


You can now proceed to Step 3: Adding Buildings and Floors


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