How to open ports for Evoko Home on Windows Server?
There are a handful of ports that must be accessible for the Evoko Home Service to work. In this guide, we will cover how to open Ports 3000, 3001, and 3002 for a Windows Server by creating inbound/outbound rules. You can repeat this process for other ports if they also need to be configured.
- Accessible ports for HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the default ports are TCP 3000 (HTTP), 3001 (SNMP) and TCP 3002 (HTTPS).
- Accessible booking system (e.g. Office 365) over HTTPS port TCP 443
- Access to NTP Server over port UDP 123
Creating an Inbound Rule procedure
Use the video or text procedure instructions here as best suits you. The video covers both setting up inbound rules and outbound rules.
- Inbound rules: Start - 2:00
- Outbound rules: 2:01 - 2:41
1. On the Windows Server, navigate to Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
2. In the list on the left, select Inbound Rules.
3. In the Actions menu on the right, select New Rule.
4. After the New Inbound Rule Wizard opens, select Port button and press Next.
5. Select TCP and identify the specific ports you want to open on this inbound connection. We will need to open ports 3000-3002. Enter this range into the field provided as shown in the picture. When complete, press Next.
6. Select the Allow the connection button on the next prompt and then press Next.
7. When conditions: Check the boxes for applying the rule to the Domain, Private, Public and then press Next.
8. Provide your rule with a Name. (In this example we use Evoko Room Manager Incoming). Then press Finish.
Congratulations! You should now see your newly created rule in the Inbound Rules list.
Creating an Outbound Rule procedure
Use the video or text procedure instructions here as best suits you. The section of the video covering outbound rules runs from 2:01 - 2:41.
1. Navigate to Outbound Rules in the left pane.
2. Select New Rule... in the right-hand Actions pane.
3. Select Port as the Rule type and press Next.
4. Select TCP and identify the specific ports you want to open on this inbound connection.
- Ports 3000-3002 must be opened. Enter that range into the Specific Remote Ports field provided as shown.
- When complete, press Next.
5. Check the Allow the connection button on the next, "Which Actions..." prompt and then press Next.
6. Apply the rule to Domain, Private, Public, and then press Next.
7. Provide your rule a Name. (We in this example we are using Evoko Room Manager Outgoing). Then press Finish.
Congratulations! You should now see the newly created rule in the Outbound Rules list.
You have now completed the task of opening ports 3000-3002 on the Evoko Home Server.