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Step 1: Configure Booking System (M365)

The very first step in the Naso setup is to make sure Microsoft 365 is prepped to work with the Evoko Naso ecosystem.  We will cover the following topics in this article.

  1. Add EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin and EvokoNasoUserGroup Groups in M365 Admin Center.
    • Add M365 Global Admin to EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin Group
  2. Create Service Account in M365 
  3. Create Room Resource Accounts
  4. Configure the Room Resource Accounts


Add Groups in M365 Admin Center

To manage access of Naso features there are two Active Directory groups are used.

  • Admin Group EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin is used to manage access to the Naso Admin Portal and Evoko Setup App.
  • User Group EvokoNasoUserGroup is used to enable role-based access for the Evoko Workplace Application

Important!  The names of these groups need to be exactly EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin and EvokoNasoUserGroup, respectively.

Add EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin in Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
  2. Log in with your Microsoft 365 Global Admin Email and you should land here.Step 62.PNG


  1. Navigate to Groups->Active Groups on the left hand side. Step 63.PNG


  1. Navigate to Security Groups Step 64.PNG


  1. Select + ADD A SECURITY GROUP Step 64.PNG


  1. You will be prompted for the basics.  The Name of this group needs to be EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin  Step 66.PNG


  1. Press NEXT Step 68.PNG


  1. Press CREATE GROUP Step 69.PNG


  1. You will be greeted with a message indicating that your group will populate within 5 minutes. Step 70.PNG


  1. Press Close.
  2. After ~few minutes you should see the EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin group populated in the Security Group list.Step 71.PNG


  1. Well done.   Move on to the next section to create the EvokoNasoUserGroup


Add EvokoNasoUserGroup in Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  1. Navigate to Groups->Active Groups on the left hand side. You will see the previous Admin group we just made.  Select the + ADD A SECURITY GROUP Step 72.PNG


  1. You will be prompted for the basics.  The Name of this group needs to be EvokoNasoUserGroup Step 73.PNG


  1. Press NEXTStep 75.PNG


  1. Press CREATE GROUP Step 76.PNG


  1. You will be greeted with a message indicating that your group will populate within 5 minutes. Step 78.PNG


  1. Press CLOSE
  2. After ~few minutes you should see the EvokoNasoUserGroup populated in the Security Group list, ideally you will see the EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin as well. Step 79.PNG


  1. Now you will need to add the Global M365 Account email used registering for Evoko Workplace to the EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin  group.  Once done you can proceed to creating the evoko.naso@domain.tld Service Account.



Create a Service Account

In order to claim Naso devices using the Setup App a special service user needs to be created in the customers active directory.  This user does not require a Microsoft 365 license.  However, the username needs to follow this format: evoko.naso@domain.tld

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
  2. Press Add a user and enter:
    • Display Name: e.g. Evoko Naso
    • Username: evoko.naso@domain.tld
  3. Add the user to the  EvokoNasoCompanyWebAdmin and the EvokoNasoUserGroup
  4. Log in to the evoko.naso@domain.tld account in Microsoft 365 portal to open its mailbox for the first time.



Create Room Resource Accounts

Next let's add rooms (also known as "resource accounts" or "room mailboxes") in Microsoft 365. It's the calendars of these rooms your organization and Naso devices will use when booking the rooms.

  1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center navigate to Resources > Rooms & Equipment.
  2. Press Add and enter the following:
    • Type: Room
    • Name: e.g. Fika room
    • Email: e.g. fika-room@domain.tld
  3. Press Add.
  4. Repeat the above step for all the rooms you'd like to add.


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