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Biamp Cornerstone

Choosing stereo or mono in conferencing


Stereo or Mono? 

The short answer is Mono. The longer, detailed answer is that the vast majority of conferencing programs utilize a single mono input and output to pass along audio. There are a few exceptions for specialized conferencing situations like musical collaboration or live-streaming entertainment. While our Tesira Processors can be configured to accommodate anywhere from full stereo to 16 individual channels, we recommend only using mono channels for most standard conferencing situations. 


Setting Teams to Mono

Microsoft Teams defaults to Mono in standard conferencing environments, but can be configured for high bit rate stereo audio known as "High Fidelity Music Mode". This setting should be turned off, however, when using a Tesira processor to prevent possible audio issues.

  1. Open the Teams desktop application.
  2. Navigate to the menu button on the top right of the window.
  3. Click the Settings cog icon button.
  4. Find the headset icon Devices tab in the menu on the left side of the settings window.
  5. Scroll down to the High Fidelity Music Mode section and verify the toggle is set to the off position.


Setting Zoom to Mono

Zoom's default setting is mono audio with Background Noise Suppression automatically adjust according to conditions. However, the ideal setting for a Tesira system is mono audio with no processing whatsoever.

  1. With Zoom open or running, navigate down to the icon tray in the Windows taskbar.
  2. Right click the Zoom icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. From the Settings window, select the Audio headphone icon tab.
  4. In the Audio Profile section, select Original Audio for Musicians.
  5. Make sure the High Fidelity Music ModeEcho Cancellation and Stereo Audio are all deselected. 
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