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LAN/Serial Sequence - Control command

This sequence can be executed when control system is not in mute state.

RS232/RS485 byte delay: If you need a delay between each byte sent on the RS232/RS485 port you can specify that here. This setting will take effect for only this sequence. If you need the delay for all the sequences  you can specify it in the settings for RS232/RS485. This is only an option for devices from version 2.00.

Control sequences can be assigned to a subkey on your control system, which is not possible for a source sequence.
Control sequences cannot be activated when the panel is off (as standard).
Control sequences are intended to be used for functions like: Play, Pause, Stop, Forward etc.



The time between commands...

Defines the time between sending the first command and the second command. If the second command are not in use, this time is discharged.

The keyboard lock time...

Here you define the time from the last command is sent, until the device is ready for the next command.


The sequence has the following function:

When key is pressed:

  1. The LED on the button start flashing.
  2. First command is sent.
  3. Wait "Time between commands..." (if second command is available).
  4. Second command is sent. (If available).
  5. Wait "Keyboard lock time...".
  6. The LED on the button stop flashing.

When key is released again:

  1. Nothing.
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