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Importing devices into the System Administration Utility

This article will explain how to create and import lists of known Devio devices into the Devio System Administration Utility (SAU). There are two supported methods for importing known devices into the SAU: pasting in a properly formatted plaintext list, or importing a .csv file. Either of these methods will result in the SAU's device list being populated with a separate entry for each of the IP addresses provided.

What is a CSV file?

A Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file stores information intended for a table as plain text, with commas indicating when a new cell or field is needed. This can be used to import/export tables between otherwise incompatible software applications.

In Devio, CSV files can be used to quickly import a table of known Devio devices within the SAU.

Creating a CSV file

CSV files can be created using most spreadsheet and plain text editing software applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Notepad, respectively. To create a CSV file that can be imported successfully into Devio's SAU, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a list of IP addresses that is horizontal, with no line breaks between them
    • If using a spreadsheet editor, place each IP address into a separate cell, on a single row.
    • If using a plain text editor, separate each IP address with a comma.
  2. Most spreadsheet editing applications should natively support the .csv file extension. If this is true for the application you are using, follow these steps:
    • Go to File and select Save As
    • From the file type drop down, select a .csv extension
      • There may be multiple .csv options available, so make sure to select the one that corresponds with your operating system. In most cases, the first selection shown below ("Comma delimited") should suffice.
        Spreadsheet natively saved as CSV.PNG 
    • Press OK to create the .csv file under the name and location you've specified
  3. If the application does not natively support the .csv file extension (most plain text editors will not), proceed with the following steps:
    • Go to File and select Save As
    • From the file type drop down, select "All Files." This will allow you to specify the file type manually.
      Plaintext non-natively saved as CSV.PNG
    • Name the file "[your file name].csv"
      Plaintext non-natively saved as CSV 2.PNG
    • Press OK to create the .csv file under the name and location you've specified

Importing device list

Below you will find instructions for the two supported methods of importing a list of known devices into the SAU.

Importing a .csv file

Once a .csv file has been created, it can be imported directly into the SAU using the following steps.

1. Open the SAU and click on the Import button in the upper-left
Import button.PNG

2. Select your .csv file and click Open
Select csv file.PNG

3. This will add the data from your .csv file into the SAU's device list
Devices in device list.PNG

Adding devices via the clipboard

This first method does not actually require generating a .csv file. However, the same rules will apply in terms of how the data is laid out -- it must be in horizontal rows, separated either by commas or cells, with Word Wrap engaged and no line breaks.

Below is a small notepad document containing five known IP addresses of Devio units.
Devio device list.PNG

1. Highlight all items in the document, right click on the highlighted selection, and select Copy
Copy Devio device list.PNG

2. Open the SAU, right-click in a blank area of the device list, and select Paste
Paste devices into SAU.PNG

3. This will add the copied devices to the device list
Devices in device list.PNG

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