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Biamp Cornerstone

Step 7 - Claim a Naso on the Biamp Workplace Mobile App

How to log into the Biamp Workplace mobile app and claim a claim a Naso device.




After finishing Step 6 - Updating a Configured Naso Device from v1.0 to v2.0, read the Cautionary Notes and Efficiency Tips in this article before starting the procedure described in the video and text steps here.




Cautionary notes

  • Ensure the correct account is used to login in order to avoid setup errors.

  • Double-check the designated room selection to prevent misconfiguration.

  • Follow Bluetooth pairing instructions carefully to successfully claim the device .



Tips for efficiency

  • Keep the mobile phone close to the device during the Bluetooth handshake for a stable connection.

  • Verify the setup is complete before proceeding to avoid rework.



Steps in this procedure

  1. Click on the Sign In option on the mobile app.

  2. Sign in using the same account used to create the workplace account.

  3. Navigate to the top right corner of the app and tap the user icon (typically the initials of your user name) to access the profile section.

  4. Scroll down and tap the Device Setup option.

  5. Select Naso Room Manager and then choose one of the connection type options

    • For example, Ethernet with DHCP.

  6. Select the designated room

    • In the video example, were using Conference Room.

  7. Approach the device with the mobile phone to establish a Bluetooth connection for configuration.

  8. Confirm the device has been claimed on the Naso's display and check for setup confirmation on the mobile app.

  9. Connect additional devices or exit the setup process as needed.


Proceed to: Step 8 - Reset a Kleeo device to Reconfigure it for Use

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