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Biamp Cornerstone

How do I add desks and rooms to my floorplan?

This article walks you through the steps of adding your Desks and Rooms to your uploaded floor plan.

It is important to note that your desks and rooms must have a structure (building/floor) assigned to them before you can add them to a floorplan.

Adding Desks to your Floor-Plan

  1. Navigate to the Buildings section in the left hand column of your Workplace.
    • EW-68.png
  2. Find the building you want to add Desks/Rooms to and press the Pencil icon.
    • EW-69.png
  3. Find the floor you want to add Desks/Rooms to and press the Pencil icon.
    • EW-70.png
  4. Select Edit Floorplan
    • EW-71.png
  5. You will notice there are Desks/Rooms unassigned to the Floor plan, but allocated to the floor.  You can toggle back and forth between the two if you have added Desks and Rooms.  If you have added Desks, but no Rooms, the Rooms list would be empty.
    • EW-72.png
  6. Select the desk you want to move and drag the desk to the corresponding location of where the Desk is located on the map.  When done press Save.  In the image below we have moved all [5] Unassigned Desks to their respected locations.
    • EW-73.png
  7. To assign rooms to the map it is a very similar process.  Toggle to the Rooms tab.
    • EW-74.png
  8. Select the rooms you want to move and drag the rooms to the corresponding location of where the room is located on the map.   Size the room according to its dimensions.  When done press Save.  In the image below we have moved all [8] Unassigned Rooms to their respected locations.
    • EW-75.png
  9. You have now added Desks and Rooms to an uploaded floorplan!
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