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How to add an RFID card to your profile?

There are [2] ways that you can enroll RFID badges to users in the Evoko Workplace. 

  • Option 1: Through Evoko Workplace Admin Center as Administrator
  • Option 2: Through Evoko Workplace Mobile Application as a User

Through Evoko Workplace Admin Center as Administrator

  1. Navigate to the Users -> Active Users section in the left hand column of your Evoko Workplace.
    • EW-89.png
  2. Find the user you would like to add an RFID too and select the Pencil icon.
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  3. Under Tags, find the Add Tag button.
    • EW-91.png
  4. Enter Name for the Badge being used, enter the Hexadecimal Value associated with the tag.  When done press Add Tag.
    • EW-92.png
  5. ​​​​​​​You should now see the Access Badge in the list RFIDs for that user.  If you want to add more RFID's associated with this user, simply repeat the process above.
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  6. Nice Job!

Through Evoko Workplace Mobile Application as a User

  1. Log into the Evoko Workplace Application of the user you want to add and RFID to.  Navigate to the My Profile section in the top right hand corner.
    • Kleeo 32.jpeg
  2. Scroll down to Utilities and find My Cards.
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  3. Select Add New Card
    • ​​​​​​​Kleeo 34.jpeg
  4. ​​​​​​​Your phone will begin the process of searching for an RFID, in some cases you may need to bring the RFID very close to your mobile phone.
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  5. If your device is able to find the RFID badge you should get a green check mark.
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  6. Provide a name for your RFID Tag and Press Save Card.
    • ​​​​​​​Kleeo 37.PNG
  7. ​​​​​​​You should now see your card added to your user profile.
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  8. Repeat the steps above if you would like to add additional cards to the same Evoko Workplace user.
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