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How to connect Evoko Workplace to M365?

After you have configured your Naso Panels in the Evoko Workplace, you can then link your Evoko Workplace with either a M365 or a Google Environment.  This article describes how to link your Evoko Workplace with M365.

Note! If you have not completed the set up guide for Microsoft Entra, it will need to be completed before advancing to the next steps.

Connecting Evoko Workplace to Microsoft 365

You will need the following values which, you can find from the Microsoft Preparation Guide

  • ​Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Secret

In the Microsoft Setup Guide three [3] values are needed from the Entra Admin Center to connect Evoko Workplace to M365.  If you do not have these values, please revisit the Microsoft Preparation Guide. These values include:


  1. Log into the Evoko Workplace with the account used to create your organization.  



  1. Navigate to Calendar Settings.
  2. Press the Add Source button.



  1. Select Microsoft. (This will connect you to a booking system. We will use the App Registration we previously made for M365.)



  1. Enter the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Secret ID 
  2. Select the checkbox and press Save.



  1. You should receive a message indicating that Evoko Workplace is attempting to Sync, this will take about 10 minutes to finish syncing.



  1. Refresh you page.
  2. After the syncing is complete you should see a message like the one below.  



  1. Nice work!  You have now linked your Evoko Workplace to the M365 App Registration.  
  2. If you have added Rooms already to your workplace you can now link them to your respected room calendars from M365.  You can do this by navigating to the Room(s) you added and selecting the Pencil Icon.



  1. It's here, under Calendar Email where you can link your Evoko Workplace Room to an Actual Room Resource Account from M365.  In the drop down you will notice all the rooms that the App Registration had access to.  We will link the Huddle Room we created to the email applied to it from Exchange.  Do this by selecting the correct email.



  1. When all settings are applied correctly, press Save.



  1. Room Bookings should now be syncing to the Huddle Room in Evoko Workplace from the Huddle Room Resource Account in Exchange.
  2.  If you have not added any rooms just yet, navigate here to begin adding structures and then rooms.
  3.  Once you've added rooms you will need to add them to the Evoko Workplace in the M365 Environment.
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