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Biamp Cornerstone

The Meeting Subject is Shown as Organizer (M365)

If your Evoko Liso device is showing the organizer as the subject for a meeting, then it is most likely due to a setting for your room resource account in Microsoft O365.




You will require administrator access while running Windows PowerShell.



Error fix procedure

Use the video or text procedure instructions here as best suits you. 




1. Connect PowerShell to Microsoft Exchange Online. We recommend using Microsoft's guide on how to connect, if you are not familiar with this operation.


2. After you have connected to your tenant through power-shell, run this command to change to setting for the given room; note that you will need to run this command for each room resource account you need to change:

Set-CalendarProcessing RESOURCEMAILBOX -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $False -DeleteComments $False -DeleteSubject $False -RemovePrivateProperty $false



Congratulations! The subject should no longer display as the organizer for meetings. 

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