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Disabling "One or more Dante flows are inactive"



This article describes how to disable the "One or more Dante flows inactive" fault warning.


Disabling the fault

  1. Check the Dante blocks in your Tesira design by right clicking on them and selecting Edit block parameters.
  • You will find something like this:

  1. Deselect the Fault when inactive box. The errors should now be hidden.


Possible fault causes

  • Dante flows are not active on all routes.
  • More Routes of Dante flows. All routes not being used.



ISSUE: Dante Input 2 Channels, Only one input used.

FIX: Change the Block to Dante input 1 channel.


ISSUE: All Dante routes are not permanent inputs.

Explanation: Dante Wall plate for BYOD, will only be active when a device is connected and flowing.


ISSUE: An actual issue with Dante Routes, Dante Network, or Dante Clocking.

FIX Please check these settings for compliance with our best practices.


Best practices

All Dante Input and output Blocks should be set to "Fixed in Unit".


Verify clock that the hierarchy and propagation are correctly set for the system.


If Media Network is grayed out, see this article.


Re-Compile and resend configuration file of none of the above have helped.

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