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How to setup an M4250 switch for CobraNet

This note will help you make a Netgear M4250 switch more friendly for CobraNet, the backbone for a Vocia paging system


Step 1 - Create a Data VLAN for CobraNet


Login to the Switch on the OOB port AV menu, If you need guidance on that step follow this tech note:

Connecting to a M4250 switch

once connected build a new profile found in the picture below


Turn on the ports you want the VLAN on and provide a name that you can refer back to.



Once completed we can now change settings to make the Netgear Multi cast friendly


Step 2 - Allow for Multi cast traffic


Next, we need to move over to the main menu on the switch to turn off the Broadcast storm control. If needed refer back to the  tech note Connecting to a M4250 switch and select main User interface.




Naigate to  to Security – Traffic Control – Storm Control Global Configuration

Then disable Broadcast Storm Control All.



Save all and reboot the Switch.